New Glider & Harness training package.
New glider & new harness package deals - from $6500

For those that don't want any compromises and can afford the best then a new glider and harness package is the obvious choice. Not only will you get the latest advances in paraglider technology to increase your safety, performance and handling but you'll also get latest advances in harness technology to improve your comfort and convenience while flying. You'll reap the added benefits of a new glider and the ease and pace of your learning will be significantly improved and your new harness will keep you safe comfortable and protected while airborne giving you the maximum clarity to focus on your learning. Also your total kit weight will usually be lighter and more convenient to carry with all the extra features and benefits that only a new harness can offer. The package will include a new glider and harness perfectly selected to match your desires, future flying objectives and personal attributes plus 12 months of unlimited training and all study materials needed for your exams. Getting started with a package deal can save you thousands and is the most cost effective way to get into the sport and is therefore most popular option for new students.